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High Temperature PTFE Coth Tape Teflon Fiberglass Tape

ከፍተኛ የሙቀት መጠን PTFE Teflon Fiberglass Coth Tape ፣ PTFE (Teflon) የተለበጡ የፋይበርግላስ ቴፖሎች በሲሊኮን ማጣበቂያ ድጋፍ የተሠሩት በጣም በጥብቅ ከተጣራ የፋይበር ግላስ ጨርቅ በተሰራው በ PTFE / (polytetrafluoroethylene) በከፍተኛ ሁኔታ ከተሸፈነ እና ከፍተኛ ሙቀት ካለው ፣ ግፊት-በቀላሉ የማይነካ ሲሊኮን አለው ፡፡ በአንዱ ጎን ላይ ተተግብሯል ማጣበቂያ። Acrylic ማጣበቂያ ካለው ተመሳሳይ ዓይነት ዝቅተኛ የማጣበቅ ጥንካሬ አለው ፣ ግን ከፍ ያለ የሙቀት ክልል። እሱ ሁለት ዓይነቶች አሉት-አንዱ ሽፋን አለው ፣ ሌላኛው hasn`t።

High Temperature PTFE Coth Tape Teflon Fiberglass Tape

High Temperature PTFE Teflon Fiberglass Coth Tape, PTFE (Teflon) Coated Fiberglass Tapes with silicone adhesive backing is made from a very tightly woven fiberglass cloth that has been heavily coated with PTFE(polytetrafluoroethylene) and has a high-temperature,

pressure-sensitive silicone adhesive applied to one side. It has a lower bonding strength than the same type which is acrylic adhesive, but a higher temperature range. It has two types: one has lining, the other hasn`t.

ዋና መለያ ጸባያት:

• The using temperature is between -60ºC -260ºC, weather-resistant & anti-aging.
• Non-Adhesive: The surface is smooth, not easy for adhesion. Easy to clean the surface oil, stain, or other

• ጠንካራ አሲድ ፣ አልካላይን እና የተለያዩ አይነት ኦርጋኒክ መሟሟትን እና የኬሚካል ቅባትን የሚቋቋም ፡፡
• መርዛማ ያልሆነ ፣ መድሃኒት መቋቋም ፡፡ ሁሉንም የመድኃኒት ምርቶች መቋቋም የሚችል ማለት ይቻላል ፡፡
• ጥሩ መከላከያ ፣ አልትራቫዮሌት ፣ ፀረ-የማይንቀሳቀስ ይከላከላል ፡፡
• የእሳት አደጋ መከላከያ
• መቀደድን ፣ መምታት እና መቧጠጥን መቋቋም የሚችል ፡፡
• ለአጠቃቀም ቀላል ፣ ረጅም የአገልግሎት ሕይወት ፡፡


የእኛ ፋብሪካ ተወዳዳሪ ጥቅሞች

* Well Competitive Prices and High Quality Control
* Prompt Delivery
* Earth-friendly Products
* In a Variety of Design
* Small Order Acceptable
* OEM Accepted

የጥቅልል መጠን: 3″ paper or plastic core; tape width: 2mm-1200mm; standard width: 1200mm, standard length:50M.

የኦሪጂናል ዕቃ መጠን: Special length, thickness or combinations can be supplied per customer’s request.Products can be supplied in roll, tape, sheets or shapes per customer’s request. Only you provide the CAD drawing, we can die cut any size for you.

የመደርደሪያ ሕይወት- የተሻለ አፈፃፀም ለማግኘት ይህንን ምርት ከተረከቡበት ቀን አንስቶ በ 12 ወራቶች ውስጥ ይጠቀሙ እና በተለመደው ሁኔታ ከ 60 ºC እስከ 80ºF (16 ºC እስከ 27ºC) እና ከዋናው ካርቶን ውስጥ ከ 40 እስከ 60% RH ያከማቹ ፡

High temperature 3m 471 tape pvc floor marking tape paint masking tape


If the High Temperature PTFE Teflon Fiberglass Coth Tape to your requirement, please be free to buy the quality products made in China with our professional manufacturers and suppliers in China. We’re equipped with a productive factory at your service.



• All kinds of high temperature of roller coated, heating plate, off- membrane, thick liquid yarn machine' off-membrane drum, thermoplastic demoulding and other off-membrane industries.
• Food, dairy products, pharmaceuticals of plastic film bags hot sealing pressure sticky.
• The sliding channel, hopper, aviation mould etc liner paste.
• Suitable for other places which need anti-metal and keeping a smooth part
E: Corrosion resistance and high temperature resistant surface treatment
• As insulating liner, insulation parts of the insulation encapsulation etc.
• Used for various fine pressure roller coated machine, the surface of laminating content
These product properties are suggestive and all products can be customized or converted to fit specific application requirements. Please contact us to discuss your unique application needs.


የምርት ኮድ Xinst0201 Xinst0202 Xinst0203
ስም PTFE Fiberglss Cloth Tape PTFE Fiberglss Cloth Tape PTFE Fiberglss Cloth Tape
Thickness(mm) 0.13 0.18 0.25
ማጣበቂያ ሲሊኮን ሲሊኮን ሲሊኮን
ድጋፍ ማድረግ Glass fiber cloth Glass fiber cloth Glass fiber cloth
Color Brown / black Brown / black Brown / black
መስመር አይ አይ አይ
Short-term temperature 300 300 300
Long-term temperature 260 260 260

ለእኛ ኢሜይል ይላኩ

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