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توريد شريط تفلون

اكسينست24 أبريل 2020

توريد شريط تفلون شينست

توريد شريط Xinst Teflon ، يستخدم راتينج رباعي فلورو إيثيلين (PTFE) كمادة أساسية ، مغلف بمستحلب تفلون وتجفيفه لصنع قماش من ألياف زجاجية تفلون. يتم طلاء الشريط اللاصق المقاوم للحرارة العالية المصنوع من لاصق السيليكون مرة أخرى.

Equal To Nitto 903UL Pure Teflon Adhesive Tape
لها خصائص مختلفة مثل مقاومة الطقس الجيدة ، مقاومة الشيخوخة ، الخصائص الكهربائية ، مقاومة الحرارة ، المقاومة الكيميائية ، معامل الاحتكاك المنخفض وعدم الالتصاق.

Teflon tape has a smooth surface, wear resistance, penetration resistance, tack resistance, chemical corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance, and excellent insulation properties. It is widely used in packaging, thermoplastic, composite, sealing and sealing, electronic and electrical industries. Anti-sticking, heat-sealing, corrosion-resistant insulation and other parts are pasted, and have the function of repeated pasting.

The fabric-strengthened Teflon tape has more features of high strength and can be used in industries such as rollers of sizing machines and thermoplastic stripping. It can be used repeatedly and easily replaced. It can be directly attached to various large planes and regular curved surfaces (such as rollers), and the operation is simple.


Teflon tape has a smooth surface, good adhesion resistance, chemical corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance, and excellent insulation properties. It is widely used in packaging, thermoplastic, composite, sealing and sealing, electronic and electrical industries. Corrosion insulation and other parts are pasted, and have the function of repeated pasting. The fabric-strengthened Teflon tape has more features of high strength and can be used in industries such as rollers of sizing machines and thermoplastic stripping. It can be used repeatedly and easily replaced. It can be directly attached to various large planes and regular curved surfaces (such as rollers), and the operation is simple. Eliminate the restrictions on spraying PTFE materials that require professional equipment, special processes, and must be transported to a professional spraying factory for processing.
1. مقاومة جيدة للحرارة (درجة حرارة الاستخدام المستمر أعلى من 260 درجة مئوية) ، يمكن استخدامها بأمان حتى في السخانات شديدة الحرارة.
2. Good anti-sticking, the "slag" of the melted packaging film will not stick to the heater.
3. عزل كهربائي ممتاز.
4. استقرار تشغيل جيد ، متانة جيدة وصيانة سهلة.

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