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شريط موصل حراري LED الربط الحراري الأمثل لشرائط الضوء

اكسينست26 مايو 2020

في مجال LED ، هناك العديد من الأماكن التي يجب ربطها بشريط لاصق. المشكلة التقنية الرئيسية هي تبديد الحرارة. لذلك ، تتطلب العديد من المواد لاصقًا على الوجهين موصل بإحكام.

Thermally Conductive Glue Tape For LED Strip

The biggest difference between LED thermal tape and ordinary tape is that LED thermal tape has good heat dissipation, so it is also called thermal tape. Because the general thermal conductive material is difficult to conduct heat and has a good adhesive effect on important parts of electronics, LED thermal adhesive tape completely solves this problem, especially in electronics, LED lighting industry and LED TV field. .

It is professionally used for the thermal conductive tape of LED light bar, which makes the LED more convenient to use. Put the LED thermal tape between the LED light bar and the heat dissipation aluminum and press it with a little force. The thermal conductive tape can also be used for bonding other devices that need to conduct heat, instead of fixing with screws, it can achieve the most effective heat dissipation effect. Generally, the usage of bonding other heat sinks and heating equipment is very convenient. Place the heat conductive tape between the heat sink and the heat sink, press hard, and the heat sink is firmly fixed on the heat sink. It is simple and convenient to use, which is conducive to improving Production efficiency greatly improves the life of electronic components, and is the preferred choice for some high-end electronic products that require heat conduction.

الموصلية الحرارية لشريط LED عالية ومستقرة ، وعمرها أطول من تلك الخاصة بالملصقات ذات الوجهين التي تشتت الحرارة. يمكن أن تعمل في درجة حرارة الغرفة (80-120 درجة) لمدة لا تقل عن 5 سنوات. يوفر شريط Xinst Tape شريطًا موصلًا حراريًا LED مع المواصفات: 1020 مم * 20 م / 1020 مم * 50 م ، السماكة: 0.15 مم / 0.2 مم / 0.25 مم / 0.30 مم / 0.40 مم ، والتي يمكن قصها وفقًا لمواصفات محددة.

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